- 1 4 reasons why you should get Siteground hosting for your WordPress website
- 1.1 Why Siteground hosting is the best choice for website and blogs
- 1.2 Look Siteground plans
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4 reasons why you should get Siteground hosting for your WordPress website
Why Siteground hosting is the best choice for website and blogs
What is the first step to build a website?
Most of our readers ask us how to open their own blog in the same fashion of this website. Follow this guide if you want to open a business or you’re delighted by the idea of having your personal space on the net. All you need is listed below! Claim your special offer below to have an incredible discount (for COVID-19 situation, Siteground has an unbeatable offer!)
Here below a brief recap of the of the words you may come across with the topic:
- Domain: the “name” of your site, i.e.;
- Hosting: the server where your site is hosted, in other words the service which allow you to see your site online;
- WordPress: one of the instruments you may use to build your personal site and create the contents you want.
Register your (personal) domain name or simply buy it on the market.
- First of all you need a domain, what’s a domain? It’s your “address” on the internet! For this website it’s In simpe words, it should be related to the name of your business/activity ot to the niche you wanna treat.
- The domain can be bought on the market or you can register yours on particular site that provide that service. You can find some domains in this page (Domains) which can be easily purchased throgh the platform Dynadot (the site to which you’ll be redirected clicking on the links on tha page).
- Otherwise, you may get the domain in the second phase since some hosting platforms such as Siteground hosting (the one which supports this site) also provide the service of domains registrars. Click here to go to Siteground and visit their offer!

Why Siteground hosting is a good choice for WordPress?
A hosting platform it’s a service that allow your site to be “broadcasted” on the internet. When you’ve the domain you’re the owner of the “name” but you need someone (a server) where your site can be hosted.
4 reasons why Siteground hosting is the best choice for a website or blog.
- WordPress integration: Siteground offers the auto-installation of the latest WordPress release. Since the WordPress platform is already installed, you dont’t have to worry about downloading and installing extra features because WordPress installation and updates work seamless inside Siteground.
- Competitive hosting plans: You can choose between 3 plans of Sitegroung hosting, according to your needs. In most cases, the “Start Up” solution is the most suitable for blogs and local business websites. The subscription price is very affordable, in particular if you buy the special offer for 2-3 years. For professional and huge businesses, the GoGeek solution provides the highest performances and services. For a middle-field solution (till 25’000 visitors/month) the GrowBig plan is reported (but our advice is to get a try eith the StartUp solution as first step). You can get the welcome offer at this link.
Look Siteground plans
Choose the plan according to yuor needs
Overview of Siteground hosting plans (click on the image to check the official website)[/caption]
- SSL encryption: Siteground hosting gives opportunity to enable the HTTPS protocol (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure or SSL) for free. In fact, encrypting the connection among servers allows you to get a better rank on research results;
- Cloudfare integration CDN: in order to reduce the numeber of servers requests and the time to response, a cached solution is natively present in Siteground integration.
What a CDN is and why is so important for blogs and websites?
A Content Delivery Network (CDN), like Cloudfare refers to a group of geographically distributed servers that work together to provide the rapid delivery of Internet content.
A CDN allows you to quickly transfer the resources needed to load Internet content, including HTML pages, javascript files, stylesheets, images and videos. The popularity of CDN services continues to increase and, to date, the majority of web traffic is served through CDNs, including traffic from major sites like Facebook, Netflix and Amazon.tent

Why Siteground is the best web hosting for WordPress and small businesses?
By choosing Siteground plans you can save plenty of time. As mentioned, WordPress comes already installed and you don’t have to care of updates since auto-updates feature is present. You have only to focus on your business and website design.
Siteground solution allows you to access your private area where a bunch of free services comes to you.
Start your website at the cheapest price
Compare plans and exploit the full potential of your business
Register a Siteground account for Free
Most useful services and tools included in Siteground hosting:
- You can easily access WordPress cPanel area: cPanel is a user-friendly dashboard most web hosts provide to make it easy for their users to manage their web hosting accounts. Using cPanel for WordPress hosting, site owners can manage their WordPress websites, email accounts, domain names.
- Webmail: setup of your personal email account to manage your hosted website.
- FTP account: you can access, upload and update the files of your website by directly accessing the web root.
- WooCommerce solution: in case you want to sell your product online you can opt for a solution which has WooCommerce pre-installed.
- WordPress migrator: to move a WordPress site from any other hosting company to your SiteGround account.