How to create cookie banner for WordPress | GDPR compliant

How to insert cookie banner solution

GDPR and CCPA compliance for your WordPress website

Best cookie banner for wordpress website

best cookie banner for worpress

How to add privacy policy and cookie banner

You’ve started building your website but you have no idea how to comply with regulations. In recent years, privacy regulations have become very strict and sometimes complicated. However, in order to run your website successfully, you have to meet the privacy laws. Depending on the kind of activity you run, in most cases you need a cookie banner and a privacy policy (at least). Luckily, a number of automated plugins and services have been released recently. Let’s see one of the best cookie banner solution for wordpress.

What is a Cookie and why we need them?

An Internet cookie is a small packet of information (piece of computer code) sent by a web host to a your computer when you visit that host’s website. A cookie is the term given to describe a type of message that is given to a Web browser by a Web server. It’s then sent back to the web host—automatically and behind the scenes—to the web host each time you go to that website.

Cookies are used by websites for a lot of practical reasons: none of which are meant to be harmful for you. In fact, they’re designed to make your online experience go smooth and easy. You could say it’s primary duties is to identify you to a regular website visitor or customer, present to you customized Web pages (based on what information the cookie has on you) and make it quick and easy to log in to a site. For more, see the video below.

What are the main requirements for websites and app owners?

When building a website, you’ll have to fullfil the requirements of the law regarding terms and condition, GDPR, CCPA and the Cookie Banner. But are you doing it the right way?

We found a solution. It is called Iubenda. In this article we’ll show what you need and for our reader there’ll be also a surprise (10% coupon discount!)

Cookie banner wordpress


How to create a cookie banner: Privacy and Cookie Policy

Provide a Privacy and Cookie Policy that also includes any third party service providers you’re using, like Google Analytics or Google Adsense.

How to create a cookie banner: GDPR and EU cookie law

If you have users from the EU, you must display a cookie banner, provide a cookie policy, acquire consent for the installation of cookies and block profiling cookies until consent has been obtained.

How to create a cookie banner: Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions set the terms for how your site, app or service must be used and, most importantly, protect you from potential liabilities.

How to create a cookie banner: Consent for GDPR

If you have EU-based users and you use web-forms on your site — such as newsletter sign-up forms or registration forms — you must collect and maintain valid records of consent in order for the consent you’ve collected to be considered valid.

How to create a cookie banner: Not only GDPR, CCPA

If you have a business and you target Californian consumers, you will need to comply with CCPA requirements. This includes making specific disclosures regarding your data processing practices and honoring consumer rights.


Get 10% discount on Iubenda Cookie Solution

Let’s start privacy policy creation and cookie banner setup

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An easy integration and a cheap plan. The best cookie banner for WordPress (and others…)

With Iubenda we get law complaint and we can focus on contents. Moreover, the integration of the banner and privacy is quite simple. It is enough to insert the code that will be generated by Iubenda to the “HEAD” code of your WordPress website. the stylish and aspect can be featured according your choice. You can choose size, font and background color, the apprearing buttons and even more.

The pricing is one of the most competitive of the marketplace as you can see in the figure below. As you see, you can buy a pro-licence with only 27$/year!

Moreover, when you purchase with Iubenda you can become part of the affiliate program which will grant you 30% on the referral purchased items!

So what do you wait? Let’s check Iubenda solution and use our Promo Code below (10% discount on every solution!)

GDPR and CCPA compliance wordpress

What is a Cookie and how to create a Cookie solution